Veterinary Defence 
South Africa

Join or Rejoin the VDA

Application Forms

Please complete the form below to apply or reapply for membership. Once you have completed the form please scan and e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or fax to 086 691 7017.
See application form for pricing


Graduate Vet Membership



 Nurse Membership



 Student Membership



 Physio Membership


What our Members say

We are proud to offer a sample of the hundreds of sincere and unsolicited
 testimonials received over the years from our valued members. (The identities of our members are hidden behind nom de plumes and are very often the subjects we call
 Dr A, B or C, etc., in our Barks 'n Bytes Case Histories)! 

'No disciplinary action has been taken and the matter is now finalised' Wonderful news! Thank you very much to you and your team for your help with this matter. You have my sincere thanks for the time and effort that was put in.

Dr A.M.
Practice Manager

Very happy to report that last Friday night I got an email from the board stating no case to answer.
I really think your professional and thorough directions for my rebuttal letter made a strong case even better. There is no way I would have had the skills & knowledge to draft such a document.
In telling my colleagues that I was going through my first formal complaint to the board they all said have a good lawyer with you for guidance. With your combined help I did better than that. I had vets who understand the law and I had lawyers who understood vet practice.

Dr R.N.
New Graduate

Thank you very much for all of the work you've put in this year looking out for the interests of our veterinarians. We really appreciate the time you take to prepare detailed defences and the patience for continued engagement with difficult personalities. We tend to take this professional support for granted, but I would like you to know that having you in our corner has made a big difference to the professional ability of our veterinarians. With the guidance of you and the VDA organisation we have also been able to make gradual changes to the operating procedures and records of the practice to help clarity in communication with clients. I think this has enabled us to pre-empt and avoid situations which could lead to a professional complaint.
I look forward to working with you next year to further refine complaint avoidance through communication, and to continue your good work in providing resolution for the complaints that still slip through.

Dr S.T.
Chief Veterinarian
Read more testimonials on the Slider on the Home Page